The music program at Parkview is led by our exemplary music educator, Mr. David Asman. Mr. Asman has over 35 years experience of teaching music to children of all ages.
The curriculum will sequence music skills and objectives that support the National Standards for Arts Education, which in turn influenced the Utah State Music Core. The Core curriculum includes ideas, concepts, and skills, which provide a foundation on which subsequent learning may be built. The State Core can be accessed on the Utah State Office of Education’s website at
Objectives are organized into six conceptual areas: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Form, and Timbre. Students approach objectives through a variety of experiences: Moving, Speaking, Singing, Listening, Playing, and Notating. Lessons unfold through different stages of learning: Imitation, Exploration, Improvisation, and Visualization. Objectives are presented through different stages of teaching: Introduction, Reinforcement, and Assessment.
Your students will be playing mallet instruments, including glockenspiels, metallophones, and xylophones. The unpitched instruments include woods (wood blocks, claves, maracas, cabasa, guiros, temple blocks, vibraslap, ratchet, castanets, piccolo blocks, rain sticks and log drums), metals (tambourines, triangles, finger cymbals, cowbells, jingle bells, sleigh bells, agogo bells, flex-atone, suspended cymbal, wind chimes, and gong), skins (hand drums, conga drums/tubanos, bongo drums, djembe, snare drum and bass drum).
They will be taught RHYTHM: pulse, whole note, whole rest, dotted half note, sixteenth notes, question-answer technique; MELODY: vocal technique, song repertoire, the music staff, so la mi re do melodies, et al, identify fa scale tone, and treble clef lines and spaces; HARMONY: mallet technique, ostinato, Major/minor, simple bordun, canon/round, and score reading; FORM: phrase, interlude, extended form, and rondo; TIMBRE: crescendo and decrescendo, string family, percussion family, accent, and fermata.